
Contact Information
  • Mr. Shum
  • (852)3758 8972
  • Kevin.shum@cityservicesgroup.com
  • 10/F, No.9 Po Lun Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon,. Hong Kong


Closure Notice

After careful consideration, we hereby announce that Royal England Safe Deposit Box Limited will officially cease operations on February 2, 2024 ("Closure Date").

We sincerely thank all our customers for their trust and support throughout the years. For customers currently renting our safe deposit boxes, we have sent correspondence requesting that they visit our business address (Basement, Golden Centre , 188 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan) on or before the Closure Date, accompanied by the necessary identification documents*, to complete the rental termination process.

For customers who have not received our correspondence, we also formally notify them through this announcement. If these customers fail to complete the rental termination process and/or empty the safe deposit boxes by the Closure Date, we will proceed, without further notice, to handle the remaining rental period fees and any items left inside the safe deposit boxes in accordance with the terms of the Safe Deposit Box Lease Agreement. We hereby reserve all legal rights.

We understand that this decision may cause inconvenience to our customers, and we deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service representatives at +852 2169-3335. We are more than happy to assist all our customers.

*Necessary identification documents for rental termination: identification documents, bank account number (for refund purposes), safe deposit box keys and access cards (if applicable), any relevant purchase receipts or payment proof (if applicable), etc.

Royal England Safe Deposit Box Limited


Date of Published: 2 Jan 2024

Newspaper: The Standard

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對於現正租用我們保管箱的客戶,我們已致函, 請有關客戶於結業日或之前,攜同必要的證明文件*,前往我們的營業地址(德輔道中188號金龍中心地庫)辦理退租手續。對於未能收取本公司函件之客戶,本公司現亦正式以本通告通知相關客戶,倘若有關客戶於結業日仍未辦理退租手續及/或清空保管箱,我們將在不作另行通知下按《保管箱租賃協議》條款處理客戶餘下租期的年租及保管 箱內遺留的所有物品,我們亦在此保留一切法律權利。


如有任何疑問,歡迎致電 +852 2169-3335 與我們的客戶服務人員聯絡,我們非常樂意為所有客戶提供協助。

* 辦理退租手續的必要證明文件:身份證明文件、銀行賬戶號碼(作退款用途)、保管箱鑰匙及通行卡(如有)、任何相關的購買收據或付款證明(如適用)等。



發佈日期:2024 年 1 月 2 日

刊登報紙: 星島日報



Notice of Business Transfer

We, Royal England Safe Deposit Box Limited has ceased our operation of safe deposit box business (the “Business”) at Basement, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong since 29 March 2024.

The Business has been transferred to a new operator (the “New Operator”), who has the right to carry on the Business under the name of “Royal England Deposit Box” or otherwise at the above address.

We hereby clarify that Royal England Safe Deposit Box Limited has no relationship with the New Operator and disclaim responsibility for any business dealings, disputes, or litigations whatsoever arising between the New Operator and any party in connection with the Business.

Royal England Safe Deposit Box Limited


Date of Published: 23 Apr 2024

Newspaper: The Standard

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本公司,英倫皇家保管箱有限公司 ,由2024年3月29日起已結束於 香港上環德輔道中188號金龍中心地庫經營的保管箱業務(“該業務”)。


我們特此聲明,英倫皇家保管箱有限公司與該新經營者之間並沒有 任何關係,至於該新經營者與任何人士之間,就該業務發生的任何 生意往來、糾紛或訴訟, 英倫皇家保管箱有限公司一概不承擔責任。




發佈日期:2024 年 4 月 23 日

刊登報紙: 星島日報
